Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Storing Up "Treasures" - Lenten Devotional 1

I , I, I, me, me, me...So many of my conversations and decisions revolve around those words. If we are honest, most of us can say that. When asked to do something, especially for church (i.e. for GOD), we tend to weigh the benefits (what's in it for me?) against the sacrifice (how is this going to mess up my schedule?) Now before I ruffle any feathers and you begin defending your job responsibilities, I am not talking about that.

When challenged to read my bible more or spend a little more focus developing my prayer life, I can easily say I don't have enough time. We can justify our schedules. We live in a busy world and have to do things. There is simply not enough time, right? Not exactly-- I had enough time to watch The Voice on Monday and Tuesday nights for the past 3 weeks. I had enough time to scroll thru Pinterest and Instagram last night (and other nights). We won't even mention the time spent on Facebook.
19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21
So what "treasures" am I gaining from these "literary" sites? Well, let's see-- crude humor, others' lack of respect of fellow man, drama and discord, negativity, destructive behavior...oh my! To quote one of my favorite people on such sites "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Yet, we make the time. Not only do we make the time to scroll, click and like, and even comment, we engage in it ourselves. However, I don't have time to read a few bible verses or spend a few minutes in prayer with God? These are the "treasures" I am storing and that is not good.
This Lenten season if I have to give up something, it is going to be some of my time, some of the time I spend scrolling, tapping, sharing. I am going to store up a little time to scroll through my bible app, taking in God's Word, and hopefully enriching my life more substantially than viewing cakepop fails, crude memes, negative political banter, and of course all of the disrespectful posts. Maybe I should click on that "hide" or "unfollow" button a bit more.
I am not saying that I am giving up social media altogether. I do see benefits of engaging in it. However, this Lent, I will be focusing more on putting God first instead. I want to store up treasures of goodwill, well-being, joy, inspiration, meaningful relationships.
What are you going to put in your treasure chest this season?

P.S. I deleted my Pinterest app

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