Sunday, March 16, 2014

An Amazing Pride! - Lenten Devotional 12

I attended the Thunder In The Valley airshow yesterday in Columbus, Georgia. Having never been to such an event before I wasn't sure what to expect.
While some of the aerobatics became monotonous, others were thrilling! However, one spectacular event stood out to me. A small band from Fort Benning was on hand and began to play the National Anthem as a paratrooper jumped from a plane. Watch the video!

The pride this group felt emanated throughout the crowd. I was glad that I caught this rough video, and have watched it over and over. As the jumper gets closer, the flag becomes more visible. As he makes his mark, others are there to catch the flag. Words cannot describe my appreciation. Not only do these soldiers train and fight to protect us and our freedoms, they train to perform such acts of patriotic pride. We should all take a moment on this ordinary Sunday, 12th day of Lent, and say a prayer of thanks, and a prayer of protection for these men and women who serve each of us daily without ever knowing our names. 

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