Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What I Never Got as a Kid From The Neverending Story!

When I was in elementary school, my class watched The Neverending Story. Most memorable to me was a flying dog, a wimpy boy, and a sneezing turtle. As I was perusing through our tv channel guide a few days ago, I saw that the movie would be airing soon. I quickly set a timer on the DVR, if for no other reason than nostalgia. Last night, my husband indulged me and watched it with me. The eyeopening began.
Several different themes and messages began to surface for me that I had not gotten as child. Ranging from the power of the imagination to the power of hope to the importance and worth that each of us possess.
The Nothing begins to sweep across the land, leaving nothing in its path, but destruction and despair. The Nothing seeks to rob each of us of our hope and joy. It seeks to destroy. If we allow ourselves to stop and focus on our despair or begin to doubt our worth, we fall prey to The Nothing.
We set out to combat this emptiness, but carry no weapons. However, if we open our eyes and our hearts, we soon realize we are not alone. We have allies to aid in the fight, to help, to guide, to protect.
In a world that is crumbling from lack of hope, a savior is sent in human form. Though seemingly lowly, he brings hope back and restores the world.
While it is not exactly the salvation story we read in our Bible, I was reminded of my Savior. He came to Earth in human form to bring peace and hope for eternity. He reminds us of our worth in God's eyes. We all have purpose and meaning.
Without hope, we sink in the muck of life. Without a Savior, our world is lost.
And contrary to what the muddy turtle ha to say, it DOES matter!!

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