Sometime last year I stood before the church to recognize our acolytes for their service. I had dropped the ball in providing adequate notice of the event and waited too long in ordering appreciation tokens so needless to say, it wasn't very impressive. I took responsibility and apologized for my shortcomings and mistakes. My busy schedule had gotten the best of me. I felt awful and embarrassed.
Shortly after I sat down, still kicking myself for letting the congregation and acolytes down, a very good friend was called up to do the children's moments. She began talking to the little ones about making mistakes and how God loves us even when we mess up. She gave them each a little pink eraser to remind them how God erases our mistakes and sins when we ask for forgiveness. As she walked back to her seat, she stopped by my pew, handed me an eraser, and told me that my mistakes can be erased, too.
That eraser travels with me every day as a reminder that God loves me always, even during those times I mess up. I turn to Him, and He erases my sins! I don't have to be perfect, because He is.