I am really bothered when someone expresses his/her faith in God and choice to live according to His Word, and is then labeled as judgmental or intolerant. Being politically incorrect doesn’t make one judgmental or intolerant or even unloving. Being pro-something doesn’t automatically make one a hater.
According to my understanding of God’s Word, and my Christian belief, we are to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves. In my interpretation of those two commandments, and later on where we are told not to judge others, I see no part that doesn’t say we can gather with other Christians and celebrate our freedoms of speech and religion. Yesterday’s gathering wasn’t a hate-fest.
Also, as part of my Christian faith, I support that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. The Bible is very clear throughout regarding sexual relationships and that they should be within the confines of marriage and also between man and woman. The Cathy Family believes this to be true. In saying it publicly, Chick-Fil-A is deemed anti-gay. I am now saying it publicly, and run the risk of being anti-gay, although I love everyone. Here’s where the “thou shalt not judge” comes in. Just because I do not agree with someone does not mean I hate them. I have gay friends. I have had gay relatives. I love them all truly. Just because I do not embrace or endorse the lifestyle doesn’t mean I love them any less.
We ALL sin. We must all get the log out of our own eye before we can see to get the speck out of our neighbor’s eye. We cannot judge each other, but I ask that my stance be respected even if you disagree just as I respect yours.
I have fallen short of the glory of God many times. I continue to try harder, do better, understand more, and draw closer to Him. As the little children’s song said “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” We are the children of the world- red, yellow, black, white, gay, straight, married, single, young, old, tall, short….Jesus loves us all and commands that we love us all, too.